SEGA Genesis Classics Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ** A collection of over 50 titles from the fourth-generation console SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive. The majority of the trophies are extremely easy, while completing the challenges requires patience and practice.
Game Name | Difficulty | Trophies | Developer | Country | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Online | DLC |
SEGA Genesis Classics | ** | 26 | SEGA | Japan | 12 | 6 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
SEGA Genesis Classics
Known in North America as SEGA Genesis Classics, and SEGA Mega Drive Classics in Europe and Asia, is a collection of over 50 titles from the fourth-generation console SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive. Many of the games from the 2009 Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection are included, with some extra additions. Titles include the Sonic the Hedgehog series, the Streets of Rage series, the ToeJam & Earl series, Space Harrier II, Altered Beast, the Golden Axe series, and more. Players are able to save their progress, use a Rewind feature to correct mistakes, customize controls, and enable the same cheat codes from the original.
SEGA Genesis Classics received positive reviews with an average score of 74%, praised for its presentation, ability to save and rewind, and both praised and criticized for its library of game titles.
Due to the ability to use cheat codes and rewinds, nearly all the trophies are extremely easy. However, the Clean Sweep trophy for completing all the challenges is what brings this difficulty rating up to a 2-star. Some of these are quite tricky, and can be frustrating and require a lot of replays. Yet with enough patience and practice, any average player can still beat these and unlock the Platinum trophy.
Expect around 10-15 hours for the Platinum, depending on skills and luck with the challenges.
NOTE: A second controller is not necessary, but will make unlocking the Sore Knuckles trophy much easier.
First, it should be known that the game includes a Rewind button, which is extremely handy when going after the trophies. Anytime you make a mistake, simply hit L2 and you can rewind back to a previous point in the game.
Also, many of the games include cheat codes which will NOT disable the trophies, and make your trophy hunting all the more easier, such as performing level selects, or acquiring items. Be sure to check out the SEGA Genesis Classics trophy guide links under our Links tab to see which games have cheat codes and what they are.
The Sore Knuckles trophy, for reaching the final boss in Streets of Rage without using a continue, has a cheat code that requires a second controller. If you don't have a second controller, you will need to play through all eight Rounds the old fashioned way.
That being said, start your trophy hunting by going after all the game-specific trophies. These include gaining certain scores, kill-related trophies, acquiring or using items, or reaching stages in the games. If you choose to use the cheat codes, then obtaining all these trophies will only take a few hours. Again, check out the SEGA Genesis Classics trophy guide links under our Links tab for specific details on each trophy.
After that, it's time to move onto the challenges. These cannot simply be done while playing the games, but must be selected from the challenge list in the Extras menu. There are 20 challenges in total, and you won't be able to use any cheat codes or the rewind feature. Depending on your skills and experience, some of these are not too bad, while others can be quite frustrating and require multiple tries. Just keep at it, and eventually you'll clear them all. Doing so will unlock the Clean Sweep trophy for completing all the challenges, as well as the Challenge Accepted and Challenge X trophies for completing one and ten challenges respectively.
Finally, it's time to simply finish playing 50 games in order to unlock the It's A Lovely Day Outside trophy. In order for a game to be considered played, you only need to reach the title screen after the SEGA logo appears. Then exit out, select the next game in the list, and rinse and repeat.
DaEastside has a great Trophy Guide here, with all the cheat codes:
And a great Trophy Guide by TugaSonic:
And an Achievement Guide (same as the trophies on PS4) by Nozza XBA:
A video demonstration of All Challenges by PSX Brazil:
Lastly, here's a basic Trophy List: