It’s the month of Jack-o-lanterns, candy, and scary flicks, and Sony is celebrating upcoming Halloween with at least one horror title in their line-up of PlayStation Plus Free Games October 2018 which are available for download on Tuesday, October 2.
On the PlayStation 4, there’s Friday the 13th: The Game, the online survival horror which pits the hockey-mask wearing Jason Voorhees against Camp Crystal Lake counselors. And Laser League, a brand-new multiplayer by Roll7, the developers behind OlliOlli and Not A Hero, in a team-based futuristic sports game.
And for the PlayStation 3, there’s Master Reboot, a sci-fi horror puzzler that takes place in the Soul Cloud, where immortality is possible and memories are stored for enjoyment. And The Bridge, a puzzle game where players navigate around obstacles by manipulating gravity. The Bridge is also a cross-plat on the PS4 and PS Vita.
And on the PlayStation Vita, there’s Rocketbirds 2: Evolution, a sequel to the 2011 platforming adventure where the superchicken secret agent must use all weapons, gadgets and disguises at his disposal to do away with evil penguins. And 2064: Read Only Memories, a cyberpunk point-and-click adventure set during Christmas in New-San Francisco in which a sapient machine requests the help of a journalist to rescue a kidnapped creator. Both Rocketbirds 2: Evolution and 2064: Read Only Memories are cross-plat with the PS4.
Among the PlayStation Plus Free Games October 2018 line-up, Friday the 13th: The Game, Laser League, Master Reboot, Rocketbirds 2: Evolution, and 2064: Read Only Memories all have Platinum trophies to unlock. Of these, Master Reboot and 2064: Read Only Memories are the easiest with a guide, each requiring only 5 and 15 hours of gameplay respectively. Also, unlocking 100% of the trophies on The Bridge is easy to do with a guide, and only needing about 7-8 hours.
For those who haven’t yet downloaded the free PlayStation VR game Here They Lie, keep in mind that it will remain available for free until October 2. Meanwhile, the party game Knowledge is Power will continue to remain as a free download until November 6.