Have any of you set some New Year’s Resolutions? Did those Resolutions happen to be related to trophy hunting? If so, Sony could help you with that, as they have just announced their next roll-out of PlayStation Plus free games February 2023 available for download on Tuesday, February 7.
First, for both the PS4 and PS5, there’s the multiplayer survival horror Evil Dead: The Game. Based on the Evil Dead franchise and featuring characters from both the films and TV series, players select either co-op or PvP and embark on quests that have you battling – or defending – demons and monsters.
Next, for both the PS4 and PS5, there’s OlliOlli World, the 2022 skateboarding game and the third title in the OlliOlli series. Take on side quests, and chain tricks to boost your combos in this game with a hand-drawn art style.
For the PS4, there’s Mafia: Definitive Edition, the 2020 remake of the original 2002 Mafia released on the PS2 and Xbox. Taking place in the 1930s, follow Tommy Angelo, the Sicilian American who climbs from being a cab driver to a gangster in the Salieri crime family.
Lastly, for both the PS4 & PS5 is the Destiny 2 expansion Beyond Light, which takes players to Jupitor’s icy moon Europa where they must face the Fallen Kell Eramis. And don’t worry if you don’t yet have the core Destiny 2 game, as it became free-to-play on October 1, 2019.
Among the PlayStation Plus free games February 2023 line-up, Mafia: Definitive Edition, Evil Dead: The Game, and OlliOlli World each of a Platinum trophy to unlock. Also, it should be noted that the Destiny 2 expansion Beyond Light does not include any additional trophies.
Among these three Platinums, the easiest to acquire would be for Mafia: Definitive Edition. The Platinum for this title is of average difficulty, and only requires around 20 hours of gameplay.
Unlocking the Platinum for Evil Dead: The Game is not exactly difficult in itself, though it will require many hours of gameplay – well over 100 hours.
Lastly, the Platinum for OlliOlli World can be quite challenging, especially for those new to the OlliOlli franchise. The Platinum can take around 35 hours, though this is heavily skill-dependent.