Burnout Paradise Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ** An open-world racing game taking place in the fictional Paradise City. With the exception of one online trophy which requires 8 players, the Platinum is not particularly difficult for an average player.
Game Name | Difficulty | Trophies | Developer | Country | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Online | DLC |
Burnout Paradise | ** | 51 | Criterion Games | U.K. | 38 | 10 | 2 | 6 | 47 |
Burnout Paradise
Welcome to Paradise City! An open-world where you take place in races, stunt runs, smash up your car for points, take down opponents, drive through billboards, and leap over super jumps. Without needing a menu screen, just stop at any intersection and signal that you want to participate in one of these events. It's a smash-up derby racing game where the city is your playground.
Like Uncharted, Burnout Paradise is a popular platinum you see around. Other than the Wildcat's Stadium trophy, which can be rather frustrating in finding 8 people online to play with - and are willing to meet up at the stadium - most of the trophies you'll easily acquire by participating in a few online events, and doing enough offline events. This is also one of those games which can be cleared more easily if you've got a friend online to help you out.
NOTE: You will need a USB camera for the Send a Mugshot or Smugshot trophy.
For the most part, you'll be clearing event after event to upgrade your license, gathering trophies along the way. The game will award you with a few easy "blings" at the start, for getting a paint job or driving through an auto repair. Without too much time on your hands, you should gather all the offline trophies without any problems.
Visit the Links page for maps of Paradise City, which you'll need for the Find All The Events Around Paradise City trophy.
Many of the online trophies are easy to get. You'll probably find the majority of people (for some reason) just drive around without setting any Freeburn Challenges. If this happens for awhile, just exit out and try another party, or set one up yourself. it takes a bit of patience, but eventually you will find a party that's actually doing something. If you do, stay there! Try to complete as many Freeburn Challenges that you can.
The 8 Players Meet In The Wildcat's Baseball Stadium trophy is, by far, the most frustrating one in the game. You need a full party of eight people, and the host must select this particular Freeburn Challenge. We recommend jumping into a large party, and try sending a message to the host requesting the challenge. Once you have this trophy out of the way, the rest of the game is smooth driving!
First, here's an interactive Map of Paradise City, showing all the event locations:
And another, simpler Map, which you can download and print in pdf, hosted by IGN:
For a Trophy Guide, this one by Andrew Yoon we found to be the most useful:
Here's a simpler Trophy Guide by olsen77 & JakeSS14:
And another Trophy Guide, by Phoenix8387:
Finally, here's a basic Trophy List, complete with the DLC trophies: