PlayStation Plus Free Games March 2025

Depending on where we live in the world, some of us have been getting hit with cold blasts of snow from a winter that doesn’t want to let up. Rather than going out in this freezing weather, why not stay indoors and play some games? Sony certainly encourages this, as they have just announced their PlayStation Plus free games March 2025 line-up which will be available for download on Tuesday, March 4.

First, for the PS5, there’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the action RPG by BioWare and fourth major game in the Dragon Age franchise. Taking place following the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, players control Rook, a new hero who will need to lead a team of companions against a pair of corrupt ancient gods.

Next, for the PS4, there’s Sonic Colors: Ultimate, a remaster of the 2010 game for the Nintendo Wii and DS. Explore six different worlds as Sonic tries to free an alien race captured by Dr. Eggman to power his interstellar amusement park.

Last, for both the PS4 and PS5, there is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. Developed by Digital Eclipse, the game is a collection of 13 TMNT games starting with the 1989 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES, and ending with the 1994 Tournament Fighters. The collection includes versions originally released on the NES, SNES, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, and the arcade.

All three titles in the PlayStation Plus free games March 2025 line-up have platinum trophies to unlock. Also, it is worth noting that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection have separate lists for the PS4 and PS5 versions, which means two separate platinum trophies if you own both systems.

Obtaining the platinum for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection is by far the quickest and easiest of the three games. This is because of the Watch Mode which allows you to fast forward straight to the final boss on 11 of the 13 games. The platinum can be unlocked in just 2-3 hours.

Unlocking the platinum for Sonic Colors: Ultimate is also not terribly challenging, especially for players who have experience with the older version. While getting S-rank on a few boss battles may require some retries, the platinum overall is easier than average, and only needs about 15-20 hours.

Lastly, the platinum for Dragon Age: The Veilguard is arguably the easiest platinum in the Dragon Age series, with just a couple trophies which are potentially missable. However, being an RPG, expect to sink around 60-80 hours into this one.

Dragon Age Inquisition Trophy Guide PS4

Dragon Age Inquisition Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ***  A third-person action RPG and the third installment in the Dragon Age series. A playthrough on Nightmare mode is required, though the game is more time-consuming than difficult.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Dragon Age: Inquisition *** 51 BioWare Edmonton Canada 42 6 2 0 19

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a third-person action RPG and the third installment in the Dragon Age series. Players select a race and customize the appearance of their main player-character, while also having control over other party members who join later in the story. Combat can take two forms depending on the player's choice, either through a more strategic system similar to Dragon Age: Origins, or an action-style reminiscent of Dragon Age II. Romance aspects to the game are now dependent on scenarios occurring in the story as dictated by the player's choices, rather than the previous gift and dialogue system.

Following the events of Dragon Age II, the mages and templars are now in the midst of a civil war. Meanwhile, a Breach has occurred between the the physical world and the Fade, spelling disaster for the land. Only the player-character has the ability to close this Breach, and restore peace to the world.

Dragon Age: Inquisition received positive reviews with an average score of 89%, praised for its environments, engaging characters, combat system, and overall improvement from the previous games, while the story was both praised and criticized by some.

If you have experience playing the previous games in the Dragon Age series, than you'll have a good idea of what's involved for the Platinum. The game requires a playthrough on Nightmare difficulty which is available from the beginning, and is only particularly tough in the beginning. There are also six missable trophies to watch out for. Otherwise, if you start the game on Nightmare and unlock those six missables, the Platinum can be obtained in one, long, playthrough.

Expect roughly around 100 hours, depending on strategies and how much exploration is done.

NOTE: The trophies on the PS4 have a separate list from those on the PS3. Also, the PS3 list only contains the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, while the PS4 list also has trophies for The Descent and Trespasser DLC.

You'll need to do a playthrough on Nightmare difficulty in order to unlock the Inquisitor trophy. Nightmare is available from the start, so if you wish to avoid doing a second playthrough, we recommend starting there. Nightmare will feel quite challenging in the beginning, but things will get easier. If you don't feel confident just yet, then select an easier mode, then a second playthrough on Nightmare.

NOTE: During your Nightmare playthrough, be careful NOT to press Triangle in the options menu, which will reset the difficulty to Normal and lock you out of the Inquisitor trophy.

During your playthrough, you'll also want to focus specifically on getting the other five missable trophies. These include both the On Burning Wings and The Brightest Of Their Age trophies for recruiting all the available companions, committing to a romantic relationship for the Beloved And Precious trophy, and the Belle Of The Ball for getting the full approval of the Orlesian court. Check out the Dragon Age Inquisition trophy guide links under our Links tab for more details on these.

Otherwise, simply play through the game while collecting Herbs and Materials, while also close all the rifts you come across.

Be sure to make multiple manual saves as you play, in case you accidentally lock yourself out of a missable trophy. Also, check out the Dragon Age Inquisition trophy guide links under our Links tab for detailes on other trophies you still may be missing and their requirements. If you are having any trouble with the game itself, check out the guides and walkthroughs as well.

First, here's a Walkthrough on IGN:

And Stranger and YxU have a Walkthrough here:

And a text-based Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31:

Vuule, scharn and ixii have a great Trophy Guide here, which includes the DLC;

And a detailed Trophy Guide by DaveyHasselhoff:

A simple but useful Trophy Guide by Castielle:

And an Achievement Guide (same as the trophies on PS4 and PS3) by Floyd, bantycakes, and BiggD:

A video demonstration of the Saddled Up trophy, by MrVuule:

Some useful Nightmare Tips and Guide by OnG:

Finally, here's a basic Trophy List:

Dragon Age Inquisition Trophy Guide

Dragon Age Inquisition Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ***  A third-person action RPG and the third installment in the Dragon Age series. A playthrough on Nightmare mode is required, though the game is more time-consuming than difficult.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Dragon Age: Inquisition *** 51 BioWare Edmonton Canada 42 6 2 0 4

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a third-person action RPG and the third installment in the Dragon Age series. Players select a race and customize the appearance of their main player-character, while also having control over other party members who join later in the story. Combat can take two forms depending on the player's choice, either through a more strategic system similar to Dragon Age: Origins, or an action-style reminiscent of Dragon Age II. Romance aspects to the game are now dependent on scenarios occurring in the story as dictated by the player's choices, rather than the previous gift and dialogue system.

Following the events of Dragon Age II, the mages and templars are now in the midst of a civil war. Meanwhile, a Breach has occurred between the the physical world and the Fade, spelling disaster for the land. Only the player-character has the ability to close this Breach, and restore peace to the world.

Dragon Age: Inquisition received positive reviews with an average score of 89%, praised for its environments, engaging characters, combat system, and overall improvement from the previous games, while the story was both praised and criticized by some.

If you have experience playing the previous games in the Dragon Age series, than you'll have a good idea of what's involved for the Platinum. The game requires a playthrough on Nightmare difficulty which is available from the beginning, and is only particularly tough in the beginning. There are also six missable trophies to watch out for. Otherwise, if you start the game on Nightmare and unlock those six missables, the Platinum can be obtained in one, long, playthrough.

Expect roughly around 100 hours, depending on strategies and how much exploration is done.

NOTE: The trophies on the PS4 have a separate list from those on the PS3. Also, the PS3 list only contains the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, while the PS4 list also has trophies for The Descent and Trespasser DLC.

You'll need to do a playthrough on Nightmare difficulty in order to unlock the Inquisitor trophy. Nightmare is available from the start, so if you wish to avoid doing a second playthrough, we recommend starting there. Nightmare will feel quite challenging in the beginning, but things will get easier. If you don't feel confident just yet, then select an easier mode, then a second playthrough on Nightmare.

NOTE: During your Nightmare playthrough, be careful NOT to press Triangle in the options menu, which will reset the difficulty to Normal and lock you out of the Inquisitor trophy.

During your playthrough, you'll also want to focus specifically on getting the other five missable trophies. These include both the On Burning Wings and The Brightest Of Their Age trophies for recruiting all the available companions, committing to a romantic relationship for the Beloved And Precious trophy, and the Belle Of The Ball for getting the full approval of the Orlesian court. Check out the Dragon Age Inquisition trophy guide links under our Links tab for more details on these.

Otherwise, simply play through the game while collecting Herbs and Materials, while also close all the rifts you come across.

Be sure to make multiple manual saves as you play, in case you accidentally lock yourself out of a missable trophy. Also, check out the Dragon Age Inquisition trophy guide links under our Links tab for detailes on other trophies you still may be missing and their requirements. If you are having any trouble with the game itself, check out the guides and walkthroughs as well.

First, here's a Walkthrough on IGN:

And Stranger and YxU have a Walkthrough here:

And a text-based Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31:

Vuule, scharn and ixii have a great Trophy Guide here, which includes the DLC;

And a detailed Trophy Guide by DaveyHasselhoff:

A simple but useful Trophy Guide by Castielle:

And an Achievement Guide (same as the trophies on PS4 and PS3) by Floyd, bantycakes, and BiggD:

A video demonstration of the Saddled Up trophy, by MrVuule:

Some useful Nightmare Tips and Guide by OnG:

Finally, here's a basic Trophy List:

Dragon Age Origins Trophy Guide

Dragon Age Origins Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ***  A third-person RPG in a fantasy setting, involving an epic battle against the Dark Spawn. With the exception of one easily missable trophy, the Platinum is more time consuming than difficult.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Dragon Age: Origins *** 51 BioWare Canada 42 5 3 0 26

Dragon Age: Origins

In the spirit of classic Dungeons & Dragons, you select one of six characters - each with their own origin story - and are enlisted in the Grey Wardens, soldiers dedicated to battling the dark spawn. With the Blight on its way, you must stop a civil war, bring the races together, have sex with multiple men and women, and drive the dark spawn back to which they came.

In peace, vigilance. In war, victory. In death, sacrifice.

Compared with other RPGs, the time required to obtain the Platinum is roughly equal to Fallout, but no where near as time-consuming as Final Fantasy XIII. Most of the trophies are story-based, often one for each choice taken (which will require at least 2 playthroughs to get them all) as well as trophies for your character reaching certain levels and killing so many enemies. Also, the Traveler trophy is easily missable and, if missed, will require another full playthrough. With a fair amount of time, patience and dedication, this Platinum can be yours.

Expect anywhere between 70-100 hours, depending on how many playthroughs are done.

You will more likely have to play through the game at least twice - three times for most people. Each sub-main quest has a trophy for one of two choices, which means playing it through once making particular choices, then playing a second time and selecting the other option.

You will also need to "make love" with all four characters (not in the same game) in order to acquire the Hopeless Romantic trophy. Many have found Zevran and Morrigan to be easier to score with, and are not the jealous type. Tip - don't go nuts giving them tons of gifts. Instead, hold off and let the dialogue take its course for awhile, first.

Make sure, after completing Ostagar and reaching Lothering, that you complete all necessary side quests - as well as pick up two characters, Liliana and Sten - before leaving. Once you continue the main quest, you'll no longer be able to return to Lothering.

For Perfectionist, there are only 3 basic endings - your sacrifice, your friend's sacrifice, and a deal with Morigan. If you're prepared for three playthroughs (which is the least complicated, and necessary for all three "level 20" classes trophy) make sure to select a different outcome at the end, or make a save before the final fight, which you can return to.

For Master Warden and Blight-Queller, killing darkspawn DOES count across your playthroughs. Expect the "bling" three-quarters through your second game. Heavy Hitter is easy when playing as a Rogue. Upgrade your archery skills until you can acquire the "Critical Hit" (picture resembles an arrow striking a skull). Then, just fire at any weak enemy, and - "bling" - trophy!

The most difficult trophy which seems to give most people problems, is Traveler. Every time you enter a new area, make sure you explore each cave, room, dead-end, etc. until the entire map is exposed. Though it's tedious, we recommend going this during your first playthrough - that way you'll have another chance on your second, should you fail to get the trophy.

First, we have a Walkthrough on IGN:

And a Walkthrough on My Cheats:

And if those aren't enough, here's one from Dragon Age Guide:

And of course, Dragon Age Wiki:

For Trophy Guides, here's a great one by lsen77link, which includes hints on the DLC:

And a Trophy Guide by soultaker655:

Here are some tips on "romanticizing" the characters:

And another Romance Guide by Daniel Acaba, hosted on IGN:

This is a simple but useful "gift giving" guide:

If you're attempting on completing the game in One Playthrough, check out this Youtube video by o0OZacO0o. Note: this level-up glitch does NOT work IF you downloaded the patch!

And finally, here's a basic Trophy List:

Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide

Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ***  A third-person sci-fi action RPG and sequel to the 2010 title Mass Effect 2. The Platinum is slightly easier than its predecessor, though a little more time consuming.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Mass Effect 3 *** 51 BioWare Canada 42 6 2 1 18

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 is a third-person action RPG in a sci-fi setting, and a direct sequel to the 2010 Mass Effect 2. As in the previous titles, choices made in the game can impact the outcome of the story. Game saves from Mass Effect 1 and 2 can be imported, allowing to use the same player-character. The party members in Mass Effect 3 is smaller than those in the prequel, and the combat has been refined. The game also includes a multiplayer co-op mode.

Earth has been overrun by a synthetic-organic race of machines known as the Reapers. Player-character Commander Shepard must find a means to defeat the Reapers once and for all.

Mass Effect 3 received positive reviews, with an average score of 89%, praised for its dramatic story and overall exciting fun. The ending, however, received so much criticism that BioWare released a free DLC patch which elaborated on the consequences of the ending as well as tied up loose ends.

While holding the same 3-star difficulty rating as its prequel, Mass Effect 3's Insanity mode is considered slightly easier, while the game in general is slightly more time consuming. Importing your save from a previously played Mass Effect 2 will greatly decrease the time required for the Platinum, as your character will already be starting at a higher level. The majority of the trophies can be done offline, however the Defender trophy is the only one which must be done in the online theater of war.

Overall, expect around 60-70 hours of gameplay for the platinum, with an additional 20 hours if you're not importing a previous Mass Effect 2 save.

Due to the Long Service Medal trophy, you will either need to perform two full playthroughs, or one playthrough and import a save from a previously played Mass Effect 2. if you have already played Mass Effect 2 and still have your save on your PlayStation, then it's highly recommended to import it. Not only will you begin with a character at a higher level, but you can then knock out the platinum in one playthrough, provided that you're playing on Insanity mode.

If you're playing this without an import, then you will need to do two playthroughs. In which case, your first playthrough may as well be on either Casual or Normal setting. If you've imported your character, you can go straight to Insanity.

The missable trophies you'll want to watch out for, are Liberator, Tunnel Rat, Saboteur, Problem Solver, Fact Finder, and Unwavering. Also, keep note that the point of no return is the Priority: Tuchanka, Priority: Rannoch, and Priority: Cereberus Headquarters missions, so make sure you've completed and unlocked the necessary trophies first.

Also, while it's not necessary for the Platinum, if you're planning on completing the DLC and striving for 100%, the Freedom Fighter trophy in the DLC Trophy Pack 1, must be done before crossing the point of no return.

If you've completed the game and are still shy of a few trophies, you can import your character, which will allow you to keep all your experience points and weapons. This is also your chance to play Insanity if you haven't done so already, rack up any needed kills, and work on the online Defender trophy.