Happy Halloween! Sony is participating in the spooky festivities by releasing another set of freebies which do not actually have anything to do with Halloween – but hey, free games are free games, right? And so, here is their line-up for PlayStation Plus Free Games November 2022 available for download on Tuesday, November 1.
First, for both the PS4 and PS5, there’s Nioh 2, Team Ninja’s 2020 sequel to their popular new franchise. Create your own playable character, and battle yokai spirits in this action RPG set in medieval Japan.
Next, for both the PS4 and PS5, there’s Heavenly Bodies by Australian developer 2pt Interactive. This 2D puzzle platformer has you playing as an astronaut, exploring the zero-gravity environment of space while performing such duties as repairing space stations or mining for minerals.
Lastly, for the PS4, there’s the LEGO Harry Potter Collection which is actually two games in one, combining both Years 1-4 and Years 4-7. In this adventure platformer of the LEGO series, join Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they explore Hogwarts, solve puzzles, and collect LEGO pieces while following the story of the films.
Not only do all three entries for the PlayStation Plus free games November 2022 line-up have Platinum trophies to unlock, but since the LEGO Harry Potter Collection is actually two games in one, this means a total of four Platinums can be had.
Among these, Heavenly Bodies is the quickest and easiest Platinum to collect, requiring only around 5 hours of gameplay, if following a guide or walkthrough.
Both Years 1-4 and Years 5-7 in the LEGO Harry Potter Collection are fairly easy Platinums, requiring more time than skill, with roughly 25 hours of gameplay required for each.
While Nioh 2 has a sharp difficulty curve, the Platinum is arguably easier than its predecessor. Though expect anywhere between 70-80 hours of gameplay, depending on your skills.